Project title: Youth with the Initiative to Promote the Civic Culture in the Southern Region
The Administrative Sciences Academic Society Association
REPER Association for Management through Values
Implementation Period
January 2021 – January 2022
Place of implementation
The project will be implemented in accredited highschools in the Sud-Muntenia Region, as follows: two highschools in each of the following towns:: Mizil, Prahova County, Oltenița, Călărași County, Curtea-de-Argeș, Argeș County, Turnu-Măgurele, Teleorman County, Moreni, Dâmbovița County.
The project is aimed at supporting young people in the Sud-Muntenia Region to become active citizens and real dialogue partners for the public authorities by improving the rate of their participation in solving the problems their communities are faced with.
The project aims to achieve the following 3 objectives:
- O.1. Developing civic competences for 205 young people in the Sud-Muntenia Region and equipping the said young people with the specific knowledge and instruments for participating in the public decision-making process at local level.
- O.2. Encouraging participation of the said 205 young people, of 10 highschools and 20 local actors (informal groups, small NGOs or volunteers) from the Sud_muntenia Region in the activities specific to the decision-making process at local level in order for them to propose solutions for solving the community problems, for the sustainable development of the community and for improving the quality of the public services.
- O.3. Enhancing the visibility and the public communication capacity of the Administrative Sciences Academic Society Association, as well as developing the capacity of the Association to attract and efficiently manage national and international financing and funds.
- 5 volunteers – students specialising in administrative sciences
- 10 highschools in the Sud Muntenia Region
- 200 highschool students
- 20 local actors (informal groups, small NGOs or volunteers) in the Sud Muntenia Region
- 1 civil society organisation at national level – the Administrative Sciences Academic Society
- Project management - ensuring the coordination of the team for the performance of the activities in accordance with the budget and time frame, the achievement of the aimed results and the fulfillment of the objectives
- Information and communication – ensuring the visibility of the project, of the activities and results, including the development and the implementation of the project communication plan; developing the dedicated web section; specific information activities carried out thoughout the implementation period with respect to the project opportunities, news and novelties regarding the development of the project and the results achieved; press releases or information to the local media when debates with local authorities are organised; organising the project closing conference. The young participants in the project will have an active role in disseminating the messages of the project throught the social media channels.
- Civic education campaign for young people – includes the selection of the volunteer students, of the partner highschools and the highschool students participating in the project. The young volunteers will participate in the train the trainer sessions and will, in their turn, carry out sessions of information, training, and developing civic competences dedicated to highschool students.
- Analysis of the administrative capacity of the institutions and identification of the main problems affecting the community, from the sustainable development perspective – pressuposes the defining of the research methodology, the application of the specific research instruments, the analysis of the data regarding the public administration institutions at local level and the carrying out of the final research reports, including the vulnerabilities identified at institutional level, the problems at community level, and the possible solutions identified. Young volunteers and highschool students will support the carrying out of this activities through data gathering actions and formulation of possible solutions for the identified problems.
- Mobilisation of citizens, local actors, and businesses to work together for the purpose of solving the concrete problems of the community Mobilizarea cetatenilor, actorilor locali si mediului de afaceri in a lucra impreuna pentru rezolvarea problemelor concrete ale comunitatii – includes the organisation of 10 meetings – public debates at the level of local communities – 2 events for each town selected to be part of the project – within which participants will debate on the conclusions of the analysis reports and possible solutions regarding the identified aspects. The young participants in the project will be involved in the organisation of these meetings and will present their own solutions to the identified aspects.
- Organisational development of the Administrative Sciences Academic Society – the activities in this category are aimed at increasing the visibility of the Administrative Sciences Academic Society through activities of regular public communication and the development of the capacity of the said Society to attract funding (including the development of a strategy to that end) and to manage the funds efficiently.
Project Manager | Emil Bălan |
Coordinating Partner | Iulia Coșpănaru |
Training managers – trainers | Cristi Iftene Andreea Gușă |
Research managers – researchers | Dragoș Troanță R. Turculeanu Marius Văcărelu |
Events managers – moderators | Gabriela Varia Radu Nicolae |
Communication manager | Nicoleta Micu |
IT manager | Teodor Tătaru |
Financial managers | Pavel Rotaru Delia Chiru |
Emil BĂLAN, project manager, e-mail: office@administrative-sciences.com, telefon: 0730895701
Iulia COȘPĂNARU, coordinating partner, e-mail: office@reper.info.ro, telefon: 0727400990
The project is implemented by The project is implemented by the Administrative Sciences Academic Society Association and benefits from a 51,215.25 euros grant from Active Citizens Fund Romania, a programme funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants Grants 2014 -2021. The content of this website does not necessarily reflect the official position of the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021; for more information visit www.eeagrants.org. More details about Active Citizens Fund Romania are available at www.activecitizensfund.
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